Transforming Academic Writing with Inclusive & Person Centered Language

The PCLCheck tool is designed to identify non person-centered language in research papers. It can be used by researchers, authors, and editors who want to ensure that their writing is inclusive and respectful of all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or characteristics. The tool scans the text for language that may be exclusive or insensitive, and suggests to use alternative phrasing that is more inclusive and appropriate. This can help to improve the overall quality of research papers and make them more accessible to a wider audience.

The College on Problems of Drug Dependence ->

The CPDD Education Committee has compiled multiple resources to help find the right destigmatizing language.

AMA Manual of Style 11th Edition ->

The Correct and Preferred Usage chapter of the 11th edition of the AMA Manual of Style includes a large glossary of frequently misused or confused terms.

American Medical Association ->

The AMA established the Center for Health Equity to embed and advance equity across all aspects of health care, including within the AMA itself.